

科技世界发展迅速. We’re here to move with you – creating great workplace experiences that fuel productivity and help you attract and retain top talent. Through decades of partnering with start-ups and big tech, our people know what it takes to make your place of work the place to be.



of the top 5 global tech companies


并肩工作, we’ll unlock the true value of your business – empowering the use of new technologies, 降低成本 and crafting memorable workplace experiences.

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Create better workplace experiences

Our people are personally dedicated to making your workplace both inspiring and innovative – fuelling collaboration, engaging employees and attracting top talent.



Leading in hygiene, safety and training

关注你的幸福, 生产力和性能, we follow – and set – industry standards in hygiene, food safety and employee development to ensure your people feel connected to your places.

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Our experts in business intelligence and smart buildings will work with you to create a flexible, dynamic workplace that supports digital transformation – including the use of IoT, real-time performance monitoring and more.

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亿宝彩票app官网 as and where they are needed, even in extraordinary times

With 90% of Outotec’s employees working remotely, we agilely scaled services to ensure that they met the needs of the new situation and that end users experienced a smooth transition – from at-home food delivery to adjusted energy management for buildings.


Making places that innovate and inspire

我们让你的地方为你工作. We offer a complete package of services tailored to your needs and delivered by people who care, 使你的地方更平整, smarter and more attractive than ever to build a high-performance and collaborative culture.


Are you are interested in our services or do you have questions about something else? 我们是来帮忙的.

Stories about people, places and planet