
While 69% of workers feel a sense of belonging at work, half report feeling unable to share opinions freely and being treated unfairly at the workplace

This research about ‘Belonging in the 工作场所’ was conducted by Opinium on behalf of 国际空间站 A/S, a workplace experience and facilities management company, 由23年3月15日至23年4月26日. It is based on a public opinion survey of 4,500 people representing a cross-section of society who work in various industries below management level in larger organizations with more than 250 employees. Respondents were based across the 联合王国, USA, 德国, 丹麦 and 瑞士. No 国际空间站 employees participated in the survey.


According to a new public opinion survey, 国际空间站委托, these feelings are linked to decreased productivity, worsened mental health and an increased risk of employee turnover. The results confirm the importance of creating a safe and positive workplace culture that should be integrated into every workplace decision, 流程和解决方案, 科琳娜·雷夫斯加德说, 全球人事主管 & 国际空间站的文化.

4的调查,500 workers in the five countries shows that while 69% of respondents ‘agree’ or ‘strongly agree’ that they have a sense of belonging at their workplace, half of them (51%) also cited feelings of not being able to share their opinions freely in the workplace at least some of the time over the last 12 months. Almost half (46%) of respondents also noted that they did not feel respected or treated fairly by colleagues or management at least some of the time.


In addition, people across the countries cited that they 经常 (‘most of’ or ‘all of the time’) were not able to share opinions freely in the workplace

(15%) and were not treated fairly or respected (13%). They also reported high levels of 经常 not feeling aligned with the values of the organization (14%).


Of those who have had these feelings, one-fourth (25%) linked this directly to a worsened mental health (such as anxiety or depression) and/or worse personal well-being (25%). Other most frequent consequences were considerations of changing job/workplace (35%) and working less hard than one would normally do (29%).


令人鼓舞的是, the survey also found that the majority of respondents (78%) believe that creating a sense of belonging among employees is a priority for the employer. To enhance the sense of belonging even further, respondents suggest that employers should, 除此之外, provide more flexibility in terms of working hours and remote work, 支持更多的言论自由, and provide more socializing opportunities.


         Corinna Refsgaard, 全球人事主管 & 他说:

“The results confirm that creating a positive workplace culture where everybody feels safe is not a one-off activity. It requires constant consideration and should play a major role in every workplace decision, 流程和解决方案. While a majority of the people we have surveyed, 表达一种归属感, we also observe a high number who have had negative experiences at work - experiences directly linked to worsened mental health and lower productivity. Dealing with this is critical for both individuals and businesses. The good thing is that there is much more we can do to increase psychological safety and well-being in the workplace.”


“There is no one-size fits all solution. 然而, it is important that actions are specific and measurable and - most importantly - embedded across the entire leadership team and organization. Our survey points to several actions that employers could consider. These include increasing flexible working conditions, promoting an open feedback culture, facilitating socializing opportunities, 以及周到的工作场所设计. Placing people at the core is crucial when aiming to create a sense of belonging and creating a strong company culture. 最重要的是, it is paramount to maintain an ongoing and engaging dialogue on this topic, as fostering a sense of belonging is a dynamic and continuous process.”


Charlotte Holm, Senior 全球 Media Relations Manager, +45 4176 1989



Download the findings from the 工作场所归属调查
